Uniper Rhein Cleanup
Sep 10, 2022
- 13:00
Allmendenweg 43, 40221 Düsseldorf, Germany
Angela Vitale

Uniper Rhein Clean-up is going to take place again in 2022, this time in the southern part of the city of Dusseldorf (Volmerswerth). Join us on Saturday, September 2022 at 10:00 and bring along family and friends. Kids are warmly welcome!
Material for collecting trash will be provided on site (bags, gloves, etc.). You are strongly encouraged to bring your own gloves (e.g., from past clean-up events), in case you still have them and can be reused.
We are looking forward to seeing you there and making this year's clean-up a fun networking event and another great success for all - us and the planet.
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Sep 10, 2022,
- 13:00
Allmendenweg 43, 40221 Düsseldorf, Germany
Angela Vitale
Public cleanup

River Cleanup in action
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