

Sep 11, 2021 , 09:30 - 12:00
L140, 47119 Duisburg, Germany
Johanna Hinrichs

Dear Students,

We are organizing a clean up for all the students of the MTW3 study program who are interested in joining. So, we not only learn about water technology but also contribute to keep the rivers around Duisburg clean.

The area we will clean will be between Rheinpreußenhafen and Friedrich-Ebert-Brücke. We will meet at the Friedrich-Ebert-Brücke at 9:30 and clean until around 12:00 at Saturday (11.09.2021). Gloves and garbage grippers for the clean up will be organized by us.

We are looking forward to meet you all at that day and clean part of the Rhine together!

Best regards the AquaSmarTech Team :)

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Sep 11, 2021, 09:30 - 12:00
L140, 47119 Duisburg, Germany
Johanna Hinrichs
Private cleanup

River Cleanup in action

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