Let's cleanup the Rhine!

How can you join?

You can either join an existing cleanup, organised by somebody else. The organiser arranges gloves, garbage bags and gives a short briefing about the route to take. Search a cleanup below and become part of RhineCleanUp.


You can also organize a cleanup by yourself. This means you will select a starting location and route, reach out to your municipality to pick up the collected garbage afterwards, and make sure everybody has gloves and bags.


Organize a CleanUp in your region

Please check here if garbage is already being collected by another group in the same municipality. If so, please see their entry. The exact section of the bank is usually mentioned therein. If you also want to collect on the same section of the bank, then please contact the group and coordinate your activities. If the contact address was not given, then contact our support. This avoids an uncoordinated approach on our main day of action and the municipal waste disposal companies are not unnecessarily irritated.

Make your choice

Join a cleanup

You want to join an existing cleanup close to your home? Select a location and let us know how many of you will be there.

Organize a cleanup

You want to organize your own cleanup? Define a route, reach out to your community green office to get material and assistance.